2BISS dla Saggita i Satinki - Mosovce 2010
24.10.2010 Mosovce(Słowacja) Wystawa Specjalistyczna - Saggito&Satinka - ResBISS
Na Wystawie Specjalistycznej w Mosovcach na Słowacji Saggi-to RedBear IK i Satinka RedFlower IK zdobyły w konkurecji par hodowlanych ResBISS'a.
Edyta i Martyna gratulujemy!! zobacz zdjęcia
24.10.2010 Mosovce(SK) Specialty Show - Saggito&Satinka - resBISS
Saggi-to Redbear & Satinka Redflower Illa Kuvianartok won res BISS COUPLE in Mosovce - Specialty Show!!!
We are very happy and proud of these beautiful mals. Thank you Edyta and Martyna for loving and showing Saggi and Satinka! see pictures
We are very happy and proud of these beautiful mals. Thank you Edyta and Martyna for loving and showing Saggi and Satinka! see pictures
24.10.2010 Mosovce(SK) Specialty Show - Saggito&Satinka - resBISS
Saggi-to Redbear & Satinka Redflower Illa Kuvianartok won res BISS COUPLE in Mosovce - Specialty Show!!!
We are very happy and proud of these beautiful mals. Thank you Edyta and Martyna for loving and showing Saggi and Satinka! Bilder
We are very happy and proud of these beautiful mals. Thank you Edyta and Martyna for loving and showing Saggi and Satinka! Bilder