KUVIANARTOKI - tytuły, osiągnięcia, badania / origin, health, success | ||||
imię psa | osiągnięcia wystawowe | badania HD | badania oczu | uwagi |
name of dog | show result | test for dysplasia | test for eyes | comments |
Litter "R"sire: BISS CH. Junior Italian Champion, Italian Champion, International Champion, CAC Open Class Winner Dog at Bratislava European Show Dog '03, European Champion BOB Winner at Barcelona '04, Belgian Champion, Stud Champion, VDH Europasieger '07, Bundessieger '07, qualificated for CRUFT '02, '03, '04, '05, '07, 2th place at the Golden Collar selection '06, in selction for the Eukanuba World Challenge '07, Top Alaskan Malamute and Top Group 5th and 2th Top Dog in All Breeds System '08 in Belgium, Multiple Groups placed and BISS Alcantara El Lado Oscuro De La Luna "Taku" HD-A,Eyes:clearOwner: Marika Cultrera/Lisa Piccolo (I), Breeder: Al Qantarah (I)dam: Mł.Ch.Pl. 2 x Best Puppy of Breed, 3 x Junior Winner, 2 x Best Junior of Breed, The Best Youth Bitch 2005 Polish AM Club KRAM, Junior Bavaria Winner 2006,Polish Junior Champion Kotzebues Kringmerk FANTASMAGORIA "Gina" HD-A,ED 0/0 Eyes:clearOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz, (PL) Breeder: Asaf Lotan (ISR)
Rob Royaka ROBI
wystawiany w klasie młodzieży zawsze z oceną doskonałą 1*Exc, CWC,NDPwR,BOB - KWPR Płock 2009 |
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Warszawa, Polska |
Remembered Cochiseaka COCHISE |
Wysoce Obiecująca na Wystawie Klubowej Łódź 2007 wraz z Ritą 3 Najlepsza Para Hodowlana Wystawy Klubowj Łódź 2007 WO - KWPR Głogów 2008 2*exc - MWPR Rzeszów 2008 Zwycięstwo Młodzieży / Junior Winner - KWPR Ustroń 2008 2*exc - MWPR Warszawa 2008 Zwycięstwo Młodzieży / Junior Winner - KWPR Będzin 2008 Zwycięstwo Młodzieży/ Junior Winner - KWPR Zakopane 2008 Zwycięstwo Młodzieży/ Junior Winner, Junior BOB - MWPR Sopot 2008 Młodzieżowy Champion PolskiPolish Junior Champion1*exc CWC/CAC, BOS, CACIB, BOB - CACIB Kraków 20091*exc CWC/CAC, BOS, CACIB, BOB - CACIB Warszawa 2009 1*exc CWC/CAC - KWPR Zakopane 2009 2*exc Res.CACA - CACIB Wels 2009 Champion PolskiPolish Champion
HD-A 10.06.2009 |
clear clear |
w hodowli Illa Kuvianartok |
Red Moonaka MUNIO |
Baby Class - 1^ Very Promissing, Clubwinner Baby 2007 and Reserve BISS | - | - | export do Austrii![]() |
Royal Beautyaka RITA |
1 miejsce w klasie baby wysoce obiecująca na Wystawie Klubowej Łódź 2007 wraz z Cochisem 3 Najlepsza Para Hodowlana Wystawy Klubowj Łódź 2007 WO - Głogów 2008 Zwycięstwo Młodzieży/Junior Winner - Rzeszów 2008 Zwycięstwo Młodzieży/Junior Winner - Ustroń 2008 Junior BOB III BEST IN SHOW JuniorZwycięstwo Młodzieży/Junior Winner - Warszawa 2008Młodzieżowy Champion PolskiPolish Junior ChampionZwycięstwo Młodzieży/ Junior Winner - KWPR Będzin 2008 Junior BOB Zwycięstwo Młodzieży/ Junior Winner - KWPR Zakopane 2008 Junior BOB, BOB 1*exc CWC/CAC, ResCACIB - MWPR Sopot 2008 1*exc CWC/CAC, NDSwR, BOB - KWPR Zakopane 2009 1*exc CWC/CAC, - KWPR Toruń 2009 Champion PolskiPolish Champion |
HD A Polyneuropathy |
clear clear clear |
Illa Kuvianartok |
Litter "S"sire: CH, Jahrhundertjugendsieger 2006 NURAK of Timber Kennel "Nurak" HD-B1,Eyes:clearOwner: Doris Potthoff (D), Breeder: Doris Potthoff (D)dam: Mł.Ch.Pl. 2 x Best Puppy of Breed, 3 x Junior Winner, 2 x Best Junior of Breed, The Best Youth Bitch 2005 Polish AM Club KRAM, Junior Bavaria Winner 2006, Polish Junior Champion Kotzebues Kringmerk FANTASMAGORIA "Gina" HD-A,ED 0/0 Eyes:clearOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz, (PL) Breeder: Asaf Lotan (ISR) litter pedigree |
Saggi-to RedBearaka SAGI |
2x Najlepsze Szczenię w Rasie wraz z Satinką Najlepsza Para Hodowlana Klubu Czech 2008 3 X Zwycięzstwo Młodzieży 3 x Junior BOB BOB w wieku 9 miesięcy!Młodzieżowy Champion PolskiPolish Junior Champion1*exc CWC/CAC - KWPR Legnica 2009 1*exc CAC,BOS, CACIB - CACIB ZHEMCHUZHINA KARPAT-2009, Uzhhorod 1*exc CAC,BOS - CAC UA ZAKARPATIE-2009, Uzhhorod Multi CAC, BOS, CACIB, BOB, IIBOG, IIIBOG Champion PolskiPolish ChampionChampion UkrainyUkrainian ChampionINTERCHAMPION
HD A , Polyneuropathy |
clear 27.06.2009 25.08.2010 28.08.2011 |
w hodowliTanana Kennel Giewontowa Koliba |
Sakima RedSunaka SAKIMA |
2 x Best Puppy on BreedBISS BABY IIBISS PUPPY III |
- | - | export do Danii Tomka's Kennel |
Sokanon RedRainaka SOKI |
wo i IV lokata w klasie baby na I Specjalistycznej Wystawie AM /N. Russell/ 1*exc ,Zw.Mł., Junior BOB - KWPR Bytom 2009 1*exc ,Zw.Mł., Junior BOB - KW Szpiców i Psów Pierwotnych Wrocław 2009 1*exc ,CAC,BOS, BOB - KWPR Rybnik 2009 1*exc, CAC - MWPR Kielce 2009 Champion PolskiShowed in USAWD 2 x BOW and 2 points major BOB and 1 point major WD BOW Champion Ameryki WESTMINSTER SHOW 2015 |
HD A | clear 27.06.2009 |
w hodowliIce Cream |
Satinka RedFloweraka SATINKA |
wo i III lokata w klasie baby na I Specjalistycznej Wystawie AM /N. Russell/ Wystawa Europejska Budapeszt 2008 - I wo Wystawa Klubowa Węgry 2008 - I wo Najlepsze Szczenię w Rasie Wystawa Specialistyczna Mosovce - Słowacja 2008 I wo, NSzwR oraz BISS Puppywraz z Saggitem Najlepsza Para Hodowlana Klubu Czech 20081*exc ,Zw.Mł. - KWPRRzeszów 2009 1*exc ,Zw.Mł., Junior BOB - KWPR Zakopane 2009 1*exc ,Zw.Mł., Junior BOB - KWPR Włocławek 2009 Młodzieżowy Champion PolskiPolish Junior Champion1*exc.CAC,BOS - KWPR VGrupy FCI Łódż 2009 1*exc.CAC, - Clubshow Łódż 2009 1*exc.CAC, - Ustroń 2010 Champion PolskiPolish Champion
CACIB Trencin(Słowacja) 2011 Saggito&Satinka III BISS i BIS CoupleClub Show Łódź 2011 CHAMPION OF ROMANIA CACIB Sopot(PL) 2012 GRAND CHAMPION OF BULGARIA CACIB Show Bulgaria 2014 3x CACIB 3x BOB BOG INTERCHAMPION |
HD A Polyneuropathy |
clear 30.05.2009 |
![]() w hodowli Giewontowa Koliba Tanana |
Samia RedStaraka SAMIA |
- |
HD A Polyneuropathy |
clear 11.2010 |
export do Niemiec![]() hodowla Timber Kennel |
Sanuye RedCloudaka FLAME |
Best Puppy on Breed1*exc ,Zw.Mł., Junior BOB, BOBCACIB |
- | - |
export do Hiszpanii |
Sihu RedRose |
- | - | - |
export na Białoruś |
Litter "T"sire: BISS ResBIS Interchampion Champion Polski Champion Austrii Najpiękniejsze Baby Klubu 2004,II BIS Puppy,BIS Szczeniąt,III BIS Junior Wystawy Psów Zaprzęgowych,6 x Zwycięzca Młodzieży, 3 x Najlepszy Junior w Rasie,Najlepszy Młodzik w rankingu Klubu 2004,Młodzieżowy Zwycięzca Litwy 2005,Multi CWC, multi Najlepszy Pies w Rasie,multi BOB,BOG,III BOG 2x V BOG,BISS,Reserv.BIS,Interchampion,Champion Polski,Champion Austrii (jako pierwszy polski malamut),ÖCNHS Clubsieger 2006,2007,// VDH, 3 x Res.CAC,Multi CACA,Multi CACIB,Ausstellungssieger Österreichs 2007 Platz 2 -- Zwycięzca Austriackich Wystaw 2007 miejsce 2, Najlepszy Pies w kategorii SENIOR w Rankingu Wystawowym KRAM 2007,TOP TEN KRAM 2007 - II miejsce,Champion Klubu Austrii 2007 - ÖCNHS TOGIAK Sausimayok "Miki" HD-A,Eyes:clearOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Jana Wiśniewska (PL)dam: Mł.Ch.Pl. 2 x Best Puppy of Breed, 3 x Junior Winner, 2 x Best Junior of Breed, The Best Youth Bitch 2005 Polish AM Club KRAM, Junior Bavaria Winner 2006,Polish Junior Champion Kotzebues Kringmerk FANTASMAGORIA "Gina" HD-A,ED 0/0 Eyes:clearOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Asaf Lotan (ISR) 2 boys and 5 girls litter pedigree
Tender Shadowaka TENDER |
1*vp - KWPR VGrupy FCI Łódż 2009 2*vp Clubshow Łódż 2009 1*vp, NSzwR - MWPR Kielce 2009 1*Exc Junior Winner MWPR Łódź 20010 3 x Junior Winner, 3 x Junior BOB, 2 x BOB i 2x IVBOG Młodzieżowy Champion PolskiPolish Junior Champion |
- | - | Warszawa, Polska![]() |
Totem of Tongassaka TONGAS |
3*Exc -MWPR Łódź 2010 | - | - | Polska![]() |
The Blue Ice Queenaka ASIA |
1*exc,JCAC,JBOB, BOB - Moskwa 2010BISS JUNIOR IIIMłodzieżowy Champion Klubu RosjiRussian Junior Clubchampion
1*Exc, 2xCAC, 2xBOS, 2xBOB, 2xBOG - Moskwa 2010 BEST IN SHOW III Champion RosjiChampion Ukrainy Champion RKF |
HD A ED 0/0 |
clear 2011 |
export do Rosji![]() hodowla SunMals |
Taorminaaka ARVENA |
1*vp - KWPR VGrupy FCI Łódż 2009 DOGTREKKING Porzecze - 14.04.2013 |
HD A | - | Reda, Polska![]() |
Talea |
- | - | - | Odolion/Wien Austria ![]() |
Teetonkaaka SZYSZKA |
- | - | - | Warszawa, Polska![]() |
Takoda |
- | - | - | export Niemcy ![]() |
Litter "A"sire: International Champion, Austrian Champion, German Champion VDH, German Champion DCNH, Luxembourg Champion, Austrian Clubwinner (2003/2004), Austrian Clubchampion (2003/2004), Austrian Show Winner Goup V (2004, 2005), Multi CACIB, Multi BOB, Multi Sleddog Races, International Champion, Austrian Champion, German Champion VDH, German Champion DCNH, Luxembourg Champion, Austrian Clubwinner (2003/2004), Austrian Clubchampion (2003/2004), Austrian Show Winner Goup V (2004, 2005), Multi CACIB, Multi BOB, Multi Sleddog Races, 11th place on the world sleddog championchip 2009 (Werfenweng), wyniki sportowe Jukona * 02. 1.2009: Nachtrennen Rosenau am Hengstpass: Kat. D2, Platz 1 * 03. und 04. 1. 2009: Internationale Schlittenhunderennen Rosenau, Kat. D2: Platz 2 * 10. und 11. 1. 2009: Internationales Schlittenhunderennen Mauterndorf, Kat. D2, Platz 3 * 17. und 18. 1. 2009: Internationales Schlittenhunderennen Annaberg / NÖ, Kat. D2, Platz 3 * 07. und 08. 2. 2009: Internationales Schlittenhunderennen Taxenbach / Sbg, Kat. D2, Platz 3 * Internationale Österreichische Meisterschaft 2009: Kat. D2, Platz 3 * 13. bis 15. 02.2009: Schlittenhunde-WM 2009: Kat. D2, Platz 11 HAPPY JUKON REX vom Massl "Yuki" HD-A,ED 0/0 ,Eyes:clear 2005/06/07/08/09Owner: Peter Salzlechner (A), Breeder: Wolfgang Spiegel (A)dam: Młodzieżowy Champion Polski, Champion Polski, Polish Junior Champion, Polish Champion, wraz z Cochisem 3 Najlepsza Para Hodowlana Wystawy Klubowej Łódź 2007, Multi Junior Winner, Multi Junior BOB, 2 x BOB, III BIS Junior, Najlepszy Junior - Suka - w rankingu KRAM 2008 ROYAL BEAUTY Illa Kuvianartok FCI "Rita" HD-A, Eyes:clear 2008/2009Owner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL) 4 boys and 3 girls litter pedigree |
Apache Chiefaka APACZ |
1*wo - CACIB Łódź 2010 1*Exc, Junior Winner, Junior BOB, BOB - CAC Zakopane 2010 1*Exc, Junior Winner - CACIB Sopot 2010 1*Exc, Junior Winner, Junior BOB - CACIB Białystok 2010 Młodzieżowy Champion PolskiPolish Junior ChampionKlubowa Wystawa V Grupy/Clubshow Vgroup Łódź 2010 Młodzieżowy Zwycięzca Klubu 2010Junior ClubWinner 2010JuniorBOBBEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW JuniorMłodzieżowy Zwycięzca PolskiJunior Poland Winner20101*Exc. CAC resCACIB
- | - |
Łódź, Polska
Alaskan Yukonaka JUKI |
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Wrocław, Polska |
Akai |
2 x BOB Puppy | - | - |
export do Szwajcarii hodowla |
Angoon |
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Warszawa, Polska |
Akela |
1*wo, NSzwR - CACIB Łódź 2010 | - | - |
Otwock, Polska |
Aponi |
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export do Niemiec |
Amitola |
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odeszła za tęczowy most |
Litter "B"sire: Danish Champion, Norwegian Champion, Club Champion, International Champion, German Champion. Breed Winner 2002, DKK Breed Winner 2004, Club Winner 2004 & 2005, Best Champion at Malamute show 2007, Judge: Nancy Russell World Veteran Winner 2009 in Bratislava Best Alaskan Malamute male 2003, 2004 & 2005 (Spitzdog Club), Best Alaskan Malamute male 2004 2005 & 2006 (Dansk Kennel Club) Williwaw's ANAKIN SKYWALKER "Anakin" (imp) HD-A, ED 0/0, Eyes:clearOwner: Bitten Poulsen (DK), Breeder: Al and Mary Holabach (USA)dam: Mł.Ch.Pl. 2 x Best Puppy of Breed, 3 x Junior Winner, 2 x Best Junior of Breed, The Best Youth Bitch 2005 Polish AM Club KRAM, Junior Bavaria Winner 2006,Polish Junior Champion, Polish Champion Kotzebues Kringmerk FANTASMAGORIA "Gina" (imp) HD-A,ED 0/0 Eyes:clearOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Asaf Lotan (ISR) 4 boys and 3 girls litter pedigree
Black Eagleaka DEVI |
1*Exc, Junior Winner, Junior BOB, 3rd certificate Best Male CACIB Tallin CACIB Show - Finland Finnish ChampionEstonian Champion WDS Helsinki 2014 |
HD: A ED: 0/0 Polyneuropathy |
clear |
export do Finlandii
Black Banditaka INDI |
- |
HD: A ED: 0/0Polyneuropathy normal |
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export do Finlandii
Be My Lovely BlackyBoyaka TITAN |
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export do Arabii Saudyjskiej |
Black Odinaka NARCISO |
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export do |
Black Angelaka MAGGIE |
BOB BABYCacib Katowice 2011VP(WO) 1*Exc, Junior Winner, Junior BOB, BOB, IVBOG - CAC Włocławek 2011 CACIB Wrocław 2011 CAC Zabrze 2011 Młodzieżowy Champion PolskiPolish Junior ChampionCACIB Sopot 2012 CAC Toruń 2012 CAC Włocławek 2012 CACIB Leszno PRESTIGE 2013
Champion Polski
Polish Champion
HD: A ED: 0/0 Polyneuropathy |
clear 2012 2013 |
w hodowli Illa Kuvianartok
Black Leyaaka KAYA |
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export do Szwajcarii |
Black Butterflyaka GLORIA |
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Warszawa, Polska |
Litter "C"sire: BISS, Multi CAC, Multi BOS, 2xCACIB, 1xRes.CACIB, BOB, Rheinland-Pfalz Sieger 2010 APPANACHI'S BRAVEHEART Lupus Austriae "Brave" HD-A, ED 0/0, Eyes:clearOwner: Peter Salzlechner (A), Breeder: AnneMarie Salzlechner (A)dam: Młodzieżowy Champion Polski, Champion Polski, Polish Junior Champion, Polish Champion, wraz z Cochisem 3 Najlepsza Para Hodowlana Wystawy Klubowej Łódź 2007, Multi Junior Winner, Multi Junior BOB, 2 x BOB, III BIS Junior, Najlepszy Junior - Suka - w rankingu KRAM 2008 ROYAL BEAUTY Illa Kuvianartok FCI "Rita" HD-A, Eyes:clearOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL)
4 boys and 3 girls litter pedigree |
Comanche's Wolfaka MOSKU |
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HD A ED 0/0 |
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export do Finlandii |
Cherokee |
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Katowice, Polska |
Cinnamon SnowBearaka MILO |
CACIB Szczecin, Poland 2015 WORKING TEAM DOG AMCA |
HD: A ED: 0/0 Polyneuropathy |
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export do |
Chiricahua Geronimoaka OERS |
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export do |
Chilam SnowBirdaka CHILLI |
VP(WO) Junior Winner & Junior BOB CACIB Sopot 2012 CAC Będzin 2014 CAC Grudziądz 2015 Champion PolskiPolish Champion |
HD: A ED: 0/0 Polyneuropathy |
clear |
w hodowli Illa Kuvianartok |
Cheyenneaka GLORIA |
- | - | - | export do Kanady |
- | - | - | Polska
Litter "I" (Indian)sire: Multi BIS & JW ShCM Casiat Fuori Dal Mondo Di Alchawak "Morris" HD-A, ED 0/0, Eyes:clearOwner: Martin&Hayley Waker (UK), Breeder: Carol Atherton - Casiat Alaskan Malamutes (UK)dam: Mł.Ch.Pl. 2 x Best Puppy of Breed, 3 x Junior Winner, 2 x Best Junior of Breed, Kotzebues Kringmerk FANTASMAGORIA "Gina" HD-A,ED 0/0 Eyes:clearOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Asaf Lotan (ISR)
2 boys and 5 girls litter pedigree |
Indian DrumDancer
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odszedł za tęczowy most w wieku 8 tygodni |
Indian Uklukaka UKLUK |
DOGTREKKING Porzecze - 14.04.2013 2^ Golden Cup |
- | clear |
Polska |
Indian Dreamcatcher at Whiteoutaka DENALI |
Weston Super Mare Canine Society - 1st in Junior, Best Puppy in Breed,Best of Breed, Working Puppy Group 3 Plymouth & District Kennel Association - 2nd in Graduate, Best Puppy in Breed, Working Puppy Group 2 Ladies Kennel Association, Championship Show - 3d in Minor Puppy Bitch, Crufts 2013 qualified! Taunton & District Canine Association - 2nd in Graduate, Best Puppy in Breed, Working Puppy Group 3 National Working & Pastoral Breeds - 2nd in Puppy class Gloucester & District Canine Society - 1st in Junior, Best Puppy in Breed, Working Puppy Group 1, Reserve Best Puppy in Show!Swindon & District Canine Society - 1st in Junior, Best Puppy in Breed, Best of Breed, Working Group 3, Working Puppy Group 2 Crufts 2013 Bristol & District Dog Club - 1st Post Graduate, Best Puppy in Breed, Best of Breed, Working Group 1, Working Puppy Group 1 Bridgewater & District Canine Society - 2 nd in Puppy class Working titels: Swindon & District Open Show 2014 the Alaskan Malamute Club of United Kingdom the MOYA (Malamute Of The Year) 2013 was awarded to Denali: 1rst Top Import Devizes Companion Pedigree Dog Show, UK
Paignton Champ Show Bournemouth Champ Show National Dog Championship Show 09/05/2016 AMWA WORKING CHAMPION 2014/2015 AMWA WORKING CHAMPION 2015/2016
Polyneuropathy normal |
clear |
export do UK hodowla Whiteout
Indian Summer |
- | - | clear |
export do |
Indian Spiritaka GAYA |
- | clear |
export do Rumunii hodowla |
Indian Nataneaka AMBER |
Chippenham & District Open Show Westbury and District Open Show AMCUK Champ Show |
BVA hip scored | clear |
export do UK
Indian ShiningStaraka JULKA |
- | - | clear | export do Indonezji |
Litter "M" (Magic)DOB. 20.09.2012 sire: BISSP.BISP.BISSJ.WJW. INT.CH, Multi CH, Młodzieżowy Klubowy Champion, Zwycięzca Cruft 2010 + BOB, Res.BIS Munchen 2008, BIS/ BISS Puppy, BIS/BISS Junior, multi BOG, Zwycięzca Klubu Czech i Węgier RASTA MAN Shamanrock "Rasty" HD-A, ED 0/0, Eyes:clear genetic profileOwner: Katerina Seidl (CZ), Shamanrock Breeder: Renata Seidl (CZ), Shamanrockdam: Młodzieżowy Champion Polski, Champion Polski, Polish Junior Champion, Polish Champion, wraz z Cochisem 3 Najlepsza Para Hodowlana Wystawy Klubowej Łódź 2007, Multi Junior Winner, Multi Junior BOB, 2 x BOB, III BIS Junior, Najlepszy Junior - Suka - w rankingu KRAM 2008 ROYAL BEAUTY Illa Kuvianartok FCI "Rita" HD-A, Eyes:clearOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL) 2 boys and 4 girls litter pedigree |
MagicMan Manitou aka EDDIE |
Junior Winner CACIB Praha 2013 |
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear |
export do Czech
Mystic Magniaka MACK |
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear |
export do |
Mystic Mahigunaka MILI |
CACIB ŁODŹ 02/05/2015 CAC Gostynin 24/05/2015 CACIB Wrocław 10/09/2015 CACIB Kielce 15/11/2015
CAC Legionowo 10/04/2016 champion class 1^Exc CAC BEST BITCH
- | clear |
Polska |
Magic Miakoda |
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear |
export do |
Mystery of My Soulaka LOLA |
Finnish Champion
Estonian Champion
HD B Polyneuropathy |
clear clear 2014 |
export do Finlandii |
Moments of My Heartaka ANGEL |
BOB BABYGroeningen Show 2014 |
- | clear | export do Holandii |
Litter "W" (Wild Alashak)sire: BISS/ BIS INT.CH, Multi CH, BIS/ BISS Puppy, BIS/BISS Junior, multi BOG TOGIAK Sausimayok "Miki" HD-A, Eyes:clear genetic profileOwner: Gisela Anna Makarewicz (PL), Illa Kuvianartok Breeder: Jana Wiśniewska (PL),Sausimayokdam: CHILAM SNOWBIRD Illa Kuvianartok FCI "Chilli" HD-A, ED 0/0 Eyes:clear PN normalOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL) 3 boys and 2 girls litter pedigree |
Wild Alashak Ungalik |
- | - | clear |
Wild AlashakKannannaq
aka ROMEO |
Res BEST IN SHOW Nordic Winner Show Helsinki 2013 CAC CACIB & BOS BEST IN SHOW CACIB DOG SHOW HAMINA 23/05/205 FINLAND CAC CACIB BEST MALE BOB CACIB DOG SHOW TARTU 7/11/2015 ESTONIA Finnish Champion Estonian Champion
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear clear 2014 |
export do |
Wild AlashakNannuralukaka TOBI |
Puppy class - very promising II 1^Exc CK10-11/05/2014 Roskildde, Denmark |
- | clear | export do Danii |
Wild AlashakTeyah |
- | clear |
export do |
Wild AlashakShaktoolik |
- | - | clear |
Litter "V" (Volcano)
DOB. 02.10.2013sire: BIS BISS Int Ch, Rheinland-Pfalz Sieger 2010 APPANACHI'S BRAVEHEART Lupus Austriae "Brave" HD-A, ED 0/0, Eyes:clearOwner: Peter Salzlechner (A), Breeder: AnneMarie Salzlechner (A)
dam: Polish Junior Champion, Polish Champion, BLACK ANGEL Illa Kuvianartok FCI "Meggie" HD-A, ED 0/0, Eyes:clear AMPN: N/NOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL) 3 boys and 2 girls litter pedigree |
Volcano Kaguyak |
Puppy BOB CACIB Wieselburg 2014, Austria |
- | clear |
export do |
Victory Regins at Ironpride aka NICOLAS |
WD BW BOS BPIB 2 points the 2nd day at Chatham-Kent, Canada |
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export do |
V'Shishaldin aka ET |
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Victoria Secret at Integrity aka VIKI |
BOB 2 x Puppy BOB & 2 x Puppy BOG Puppy BOB Orondo Dog Show, Canada CANADIAN CHAMPION
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export do
V'Novarupta aka ZUZA |
Puppy BOB International Dog Show Vibo Valentia, Italy |
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export do
Litter "A" (Inuit Legend)sire: SnoCreek's Chamber of Secrets "Seeker" HD-A, Eyes:clear; AMPN: N/NOwner: Paula Kroon (NL), Pameiyut Breeder: Bonnie Martin (USA),SnoCreekdam: Młodzieżowy Champion Polski, Champion Polski, Polish Junior Champion, Polish Champion, wraz z Cochisem 3 Najlepsza Para Hodowlana Wystawy Klubowej Łódź 2007, Multi Junior Winner, Multi Junior BOB, 2 x BOB, III BIS Junior, Najlepszy Junior - Suka - w rankingu KRAM 2008 Royal Beauty Illa Kuvianartok "Rita" HD-A, ED 0/0 Eyes:clear; AMPN: N/NOwner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL) 1 boy and 2 girls litter pedigree |
Club Show 26/04/2015, Heteren (NL) 2^vp |
Polyneuropathy normal |
- |
export do
CAC Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki 2015 CAC Rybnik 10/05/2015 CACIB Łódź, Poland 12/05/2017 CAC Show of Spitzs and Primitive Dogs CAC Kalisz, Poland 11/06/2017
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear |
w hodowli Illa Kuvianartok zobacz - more |
- | Polyneuropathy normal |
- | export do Austrii |
Litter "G" (Adventure)sire: BIS Puppy, BISS Puppy, Czech Junior Champion, Champion of Czech Republic Oakiok Magic Boy for Polarny Usvit "Spike"HD-A, Eyes:clear ; genetic profile; AMPN: N/NOwner: Jana Hynkova (CZ), Polarny Usvit Breeder: Cindy & Tom Uraynar (USA),Oakiokdam: Polish Junior Champion, Polish Champion, BLACK ANGEL Illa Kuvianartok FCI "Meggie"
Owner: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL), Breeder: Gisela A.Makarewicz (PL)5 boy and 2 girls litter pedigree |
Grand Viking Rock aka ROCCA |
CACIB Oulu, Finland CACIB Siikajoki, Finland Oulainen 2016, Finland CAC Kiuruvesi 29/04/2017, Finland CAC Haapajarvi 17/06/2017, Finland
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear |
Pumba/Rocca export do
Grand Summit aka ATOS |
- | Polyneuropathy normal |
- |
export do |
Grand Reef Rock aka VORTEX |
Res BEST PUPPY Birmingham Championship Show 2nd TOP PUPPY Mamamute of the year 2015 Three Counties Championship Show, UK, June 2016
Polyneuropathy normal |
clear |
Portos/Vortex export do UK hodowla Whiteout |
Grand Minook aka TIMON/APACZ |
- | Polyneuropathy normal |
- |
Polska |
Grand Uganik aka ARAMIS |
- | Polyneuropathy normal |
- |
Polska |
Grand Keku Nordic Impact aka OPHELIA/KEKU |
CACIB DOG SHOW SAN MARINO 23/05/2015, Italy CACIB DOG SHOW SAN MARINO 24/05/2015, Italy 4^Very Promising PUPPY |
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear |
export do hodowla |
Grand Isleta aka ORIANA/ARISHA |
CAC Chernigiv 2016 Specialty Show for the Vth Group, Serbia 4/06/2016 CACIB Show Serbia 5/06/2016 CHAMPION OF SERBIA CHAMPION OF UKRAINE |
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear |
export do |
Litter "D" (Wings of My Dreams)DOB. 07.07.2015 sire: BISS Shomont RAISIN CAIN "Cain"HD-4:0 ED 0/0 Eyes:clear PN: N/N Coat Lenght: LC Carrier Owner:Susan Thompson & Keith Givens, Shomont (UK) Breeder:Susan Thompson & Keith Givens, Shomont (UK)
Da Fonz aka PEPE/FONZI |
Winner Dog
Winner Dog Winner Dog TOP TEN PUPPY USA Winner Dog Winner Dog
Polyneuropathy normal |
export do |
Denzel aka DENZEL |
- | Polyneuropathy normal |
export do |
Dare to Dream aka THOR |
CACIB Poznań, Poland 08/11/2015 CACIB Kielce, Poland 21/11/2015 CAC Legionowo, Poland 13/12/2015 BIS MINOR PUPPY CAC Mińsk Mazowiecki, Poland 07/05/2016 CACIB Rzeszów, Poland 21/05/2016 CAC Racibórz, Poland 11/06/2016
Młodzieżowy Champion Polski
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear |
w hodowli Illa Kuvianartok zobacz - more |
Delightful Shauri aka SHAURI |
- |
Polyneuropathy HD A |
clear |
Shauri export do Niemiec |
Don't Forget Me Amidala aka AMIDALA |
CACIB Innsbruck 15/09/2016 CACIB Tulln 15/10/2016 |
Polyneuropathy normal |
export do Niemiec |
Divine Dignity Neytiri aka NEYTIRI |
CACIB Poznań, Poland 08/11/2015 1^ VP Minor Puppy class CAC Legionowo, Poland 13/12/2015 CACIB ŁODŹ 14/05/2016 CAC Racibórzi, Poland 11/06/2016 CAC Kalisz, Poland 12/06/2016
Młodzieżowy Champion Polski
Polyneuropathy normal |
w hodowli Illa Kuvianartok |
Excalibur |
CAC Olsztyn, Poland 02/07/2017 CACIB Warszawa, Poland 09/07/2017 |
AMPN: NN by parentage | - |
Rudolf w Illa Kuvianartok |
Emmelyn |
CACIB Opole, Poland 22/04/2017 CACIB Łódź, Poland 13/05/2017 |
AMPN: NN by parentage | - |
Giana |
Electra |
The AM of UK Open Show Mai 2017 BEST MINOR PUPPY BITCH East of England Champ Show - 8th July 2017 2nd place in PB class
AMPN: NN by parentage Cone Degeneration test: n/n |
- |
Giovanna/Tuuli export do UK hodowla Whiteout |
Egeria |
CAC Shows in Sweden BOB Minor Puppy & BOG IV Minor Puppy BOB Minor Puppy & BOG I Minor Puppy |
AMPN: NN by parentage | - |
Olivia export do Szwecji |